Dr. Johny Eugene
Dr. Eugene’s background is in the medical world and entrepreneurship. Dr. Johny Eugene practices Holistic Medicine in West Orange, New Jersey. Dr. Eugene has received an education on and advises people on matters of food and nutrition, considering how they both impact health. Dr. Eugene treats obese, hypertensive, diabetic, leaky gut clients and many more! Having the traditional medicine background and education greatly contributes to his career as a Holistic Practitioner. In 2020 Dr. Eugene decided to switch things up in his career and increase to his education and skills by studying Nutrition. Aside from operating his own clinic, Dr. Eugene also manages his own Homecare Agency in West Orange, New Jersey. The Agency includes Homecare services, Housekeeping services as well as Nutritional services. When Dr. Eugene isn’t wearing his “Doctor” hat he is wearing his Entrepreneur hat. The goal is always to provide help and that’s what he does daily! Dr. Eugene loves and enjoys what he does and hopes to only do better.